Due to our changing technological environment, the Beauregard Parish Library will be discontinuing our data filing and email services on Tuesday, April 30, 2024.

Why does this matter to you?

If you have any files stored on your Library desktop, they will be erased from the servers on the evening of April 30th. To prevent the permanent loss of these files (documents, photos, videos, and music) you will need to move them to either cloud storage or an external storage device (a USB stick or external hard drive).

Further, if you currently use an @beau.org email address, you will lose access to this email and all correspondence stored in that email account. You will need to set up a new email account (some free options include Gmail and Yahoo) and move your emails to this new email account.

How can we help?

We have details on how to move your files from our servers here, including printable instruction sheets and easy to follow how-to videos. If you do not have an external storage device, you can purchase one at a clerk desk.

On that same page you can find instructions on how to set up an independent email account and sync your emails to it. Please note that this does not protect incoming emails, this only prevents the loss of existing emails. If you use your @beau.org email for any online accounts, you will need to login to the respective account and change the associated email. Do this before April 30 to avoid losing access to those accounts.

If you find you need additional help:

We are offering in-person Email and Data Transfer Clinics for those who may need extra help in preparing for these changes. To attend, please register! Space is limited, so do not wait. You can register by going to the event for your preferred date and clicking “RSVP” under the description or by calling (337)463-6217 and speaking with a Library representative.

Change takes time and is sometimes stressful, but we’re here to help! These changes will help us serve you more efficiently in the future. We appreciate your patience during these changes.

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