New Digital Resource for Kids: LOTE4Kids!

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Accessible now! LOTE4Kids

LOTE4Kids LogoLOTE4Kids (“Languages Other Than English 4 Kids) is a new digital story telling resource in over 50 languages, including several sign languages. This new digital resource will give users access to hundreds of stories from around the world – in English and their native languages!

Curious how you could use this resource? Whether you’re helping a young child learn to read or studying a new language, this resource will prove a fantastic tool!

Reading stories is a great way to help a child build early literacy skills. Listening to stories help a child with 4 of the most essential skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Listening is the first literacy skill a child learns, and it is vital to build strong listening skills to prepare a child for the following three. When a child is read to, they learn the rhythm of the language, learn to identify tone and mood, build vocabulary, and bond with the person reading to them.

For language learners, a lot of the same ideas apply. By listening to stories in your target language, you pick up on tones, cadence, rhythm, and learn the unique sounds of the language. You will also build vocabulary in context, which is proven to increase retention in language acquisition, and pick up more naturally on the grammar and language nuances of your target language.

You can read more on the benefits of story telling at the links below!

Early literacy skills and story telling

Second language learning and story telling

With LOTE4Kids, you can take in stories at your own pace. The speed of each story is fully customizable. Have trouble keeping up? Slow it down a bit. Want more of a challenge? Speed it back up!

Languages offered by LOTE4Kids include but are not limited to: Spanish, French, Korean, Chinese, Armenian, Arabic, and American, British, and New Zealand Sign Languages.

Access this resource now by going to this link and entering your library card information.

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