RFID for Libraries

This is a (L)/GPL licensed software package to support RFID tagging for libraries implementing the ISO 28560-2 standard.



A command line tool to communicate with a FEIG RFID reader.


A C library to encode/decode ISO28560-2 incorporated into rfidconsole but also usable is other projects.

RFID Wedge

A Tcl/Tk script that drives rfidconsole over a pipe and integrates with your ILS. The default is the XUL based Evergreen staff client but this is readily configurable to send to any X application.

rfid_hotkey.tcl and rfid_bindkeys.tcl

A pair of small Tcl script that help you bind keys on your desktop to activate RFID Wedge by keyboard instead of mouse clicks.


This initial implementation is for our own library. We have FEIG ID ISC.MR102 RFID readers connected via serial interface to our staff workstations running CentOS Linux 6 and our ILS system is Evergreen.

Currently you will need most of the same parts. See below.

Current status:


The current software fully supports and has been tested with writing Phillips/NXP I-CODE SLI tags for library materials. Untested support for every other tag documented as supported by the reader and of interest for library use is included.

Full ISO support should be supported with only a couple of limitations. You can correctly encode a library card's tag with the tag editing functionality but the wedge lacks the smarts to isolate the card and treat it different from the book tags. As we get closer to issuing RFID enabled cards this will of course get added.

Security is implemented with EAS. Comments in the code point the way to adding split AFI support but it isn't implemented yet.

The other big known limitation is a cap of 99 items in a multi-volume set, however since sets beyond 10 are so utterly unreliable in our real world usage this is not currently considered to be a bug. More fully implementing the Standard is more a question of making the UI managable with so many items than anything else.

Linux Version

Linux is the original platform and is currently in production.

Rfidconsole has been built as both a 32 and a 64 bit binary without any issues. A special binary hand linked against FEIG's closed USB library is available but no longer having one of the units no support can be offered. The Makefile also fully documents the process.

Generally any Linux distribution still receiving security fixes should be able to run this software. Besides Tcl/Tk you will need xdotool and popt. Popt should be in any distro's repositories, you might have to search beyond for xdotool.

Windows Version

Research has started to port rfidconsole and looks feasible. Tcl/Tk is well supprted on Windows and not a problem. Minor script changes will be needed to add platform independent lookup for artwork and per user config. The problem will be finding some substitute for xdotool to locate, raise, type at and monitor the ILS for focus. Binding hotkeys is probably possible, just a question of research.

OS X Version

Don't have a system to test with but if an equivilent for xdotool exists everything should work since OS X is POSIX compliant. Binding scripts to keys should be possible, again just a question of research.

