
Sung to the tune of 'Did You Ever See A Lassie'
Suggested motions are in italics under each line.
As you tell the story, stop and have the children help you sing the verse related to that part of the story. At the end of the story, sing the whole song.

Did you ever see a Jonah, a Jonah, a Jonah
(Look side to side shading eyes with hand)
Did you ever see a Jonah run away from God?
(Run in place)
Run this way and that way
(Run a few steps side to side)
Run this way and that way
Oh, silly old Jonah - Don't run away from God

(Shake your finger in correction)

Did you ever see a Jonah, a Jonah, a Jonah
Did you ever see a Jonah gobbled up by a whale?
Open and close hand or arms like a mouth
Swim this way and that way
(Swimming motion side to side)
Swim this way and that way
Did you ever see a Jonah gobbled up by a whale

Did you ever see a Jonah, a Jonah, a Jonah
Did you ever see a Jonah spit out by a whale?

Start with fists together at chest level. Open hands as you push hands out to the sides and up a bit. Don't let the children talk you into doing 'mouth motions' here unless you are ready for a spit shower!
Flying this way and that way
Glide side to side with 'airplane arms'
Flying this way and that way
Did you ever see a Jonah spit out by a whale

Did you ever see a Jonah, a Jonah, a Jonah
Did you ever see a Jonah listening to God?

Cup hand by ear as if listening
Shining this way and that way
Hold hands up like lights. Open and close the fingers to show that they represent flickering lights.
Shining this way and that way
Did you ever see a Jonah listening to God