Look Into The Mirror -- Is That Really You?

These pages were written to help Christians develop a better understanding of physical, emotional and spiritual health. If you would like to know more about Christianity, click here.

According to the Social Issues Research Center:

Cats don't care! Like most animals, cats don't seem to recognize that the image in the mirror belongs to them. cat pic People do care! We can be free from distorted images of ourselves when we begin to see ourselves as God sees us.

What do you see when you look in the mirror?

Why do we fail to see this?

Let's Pray Together

Father God, Thank You for loving me.
You know all about me and You love me anyway.
Please bless me with a better understanding of what that means.
Father, help me to turn away from the lies that our enemy is telling me.
Give me the wisdom and the strength to look at Your Truth instead.
Help me to always remember that You consider me important.
When I was still in my sin
before I even thought of turning to You
Jesus chose to die for me!
In that choice is the greatest love in the universe.
Father, the next time the enemy comes against me
trying to make me feel rejected and unloved,
help me to remember this:
he has no power over me.
Jesus already won the victory!
Help me remember the cost of that victory
so that I will be ready always to walk in it.
I claim this in Jesus' Name
and I will give You the glory
as You work it out in my life. Amen.

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